When does my Office Timesheets or Office Timesheets on Demand trial expire?
ID 14
Category Office Timesheets On Demand Account Activation
Date Created 6/20/2007 6:26:15 PM
Date Updated 8/23/2007 12:39:42 PM
How can I determine when my Office Timesheets or Office Timesheets On Demand trial period is over?
Both Office Timesheets and Office Timesheets On Demand are available for a free 30 day trial. During the active trial, the expiration date of the trial can be viewed at any time.
To determine your Office Timesheets trial expiration date:
1) Login to the Office Timesheets Console as the Account Administrator.
2) Click on the "System Configuration" tab.
3) Click the "Activate" option.
4) The expiration date is located in the "Information" field.
To determine your Office Timesheets On Demand trial expiration date:
1) Login to the Office Timesheets On Demand Console as the Account Administrator.
2) Click on the "Account Administration" tab.
3) Locate the "Account Status" area for the trial end date.